We will be closed for the Chinese New Year holiday on 22, 23 & 24 January 2023.

aquaDucks Stays Home With You

bathroom concept

aquaDucks Stays Home With You

Dear aquaDucks friends,

The month of April felt as one of the longest months we’ve ever experienced in the history of our swim school.

Suspension of all lessons

On 26 March 2020, we decided to suspend all swimming lessons for the safety and wellbeing of our community. Not long after, our government implemented the national “circuit breaker”, to control and bring down the number of new cases. To add on to the mounting pressure, the circuit breaker has been extended for an additional four weeks.

A complete standstill

Many companies and businesses are affected and unfortunately we are not spared. In fact, due to the nature of our services, we were forced to bring our swimming programme to a complete standstill. With no business at all.

The positive outcome

The challenge is real and daunting. But, just like in our swimming lessons, we are looking at the bright side and make the outcome positive. We get to spend more time with our loved ones and explore life in a different – maybe in a more creative way. It also allows us to evaluate our operations and see how we can excel in our students’ experience with us.

Bringing your swim practise home

Yes, we can’t resume our swimming lessons just yet. But that’s ok! We will do our best to bring our swimming programme to your homes – without the need for a pool. Instead of multiple hours of screentime, you can be assured that we’re keeping your children active while having fun! And to those new to our swim school, we give you plenty of insights in our swimming programme, energetic team and fun atmosphere. You can find all these home workouts and activities on our Instagram and Facebook accounts.

We hope to keep you happy and fit by bringing the aquaDucks joy to your homes.

Stay home, active and positive so we can resume swimming again soon!

With love,

The aquaDucks team

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